My Thinkpad

I recently bought a secondhand thinkpad x220 for $80. So far, it is by far the best laptop I have ever had, like it's not even a contest. I'm beyond obsessed with the keyboard. It works great considering it's been in use since 2011 and the hardware specs aren't anything near top of the line. That said, there are a lot of customizations I still want to do, to keep it in good shape, and to make it work even better :) this is where I'll keep track of my to-do's.

To Do:

  • Switch to linux
  • Duh, this is the first thing I do on every computer I use - but especially one that comes running Windows 7. I like to use Mint as my default distro, and as expected I didn't run into any problems installing it.

    Done! :)

    (except I'm considering switching to xfce... so maybe not done? ;) guess we'll see!)

  • Deep clean
  • This thing is fucking nasty... I already wiped down the screen and buttons to get rid of the visible grime, but I can't wait until I can take this thing apart and get all the dust and god knows what else out from inside. And add some fresh thermal paste!! I just haven't had time yet these last few days, plus I always get nervous messing with the hardware since I have less experience with it. But I'll definitely do it soon, and it will be extremely satisfying to see the before and after :D

  • Coreboot
  • I really, really wanna add coreboot to improve the BIOS speed and to free my machine to be completely open-source. Or at least, as close to completely as it can get, since it still needs the vendor firmware for the BIOS to work properly. But, since I've never flashed firmware before, I'm super nervous to try. To be completely honest, I'm thinking of going to a local hackerspace for their open house night so I can ask for help from someone more experienced. But I haven't decided if I'll actually do that yet, since the idea of doing that makes me really nervous. Social anxiety sucks :( but maybe someday!